CARE VITAL NUTRITION PROTEIN SPRAY: Hair care product for porous, damaged, dry hair. Improves manageability. On our online hair shop

CARE Vital Nutrition Protein Spray

CHF 24.00
A multi-purpose conditioning spray that makes it perfect o use before a color, forming or thermal styling treatment. Vital Nutrition Protein Spray also deeply moisturizes, adds shine and makes your hair easy to comb through — perfect for dry, damaged hair that’s prone to breaking. Simply mist it on, rinse (or don’t, if you feel your hair needs a prolonged moisture boost) and go about your day.

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More Information
Mist on. Rinse or leave in, depending on your needs.
Product type:
Leave-in Conditioner, Conditioning Spray
renforcement, repair, humidity
clean Beauty:
sulphate-free, cruelty free, silicone-free
Item number:

Revitalize Dry Hair: Unveiling Care Vital Nutrition  Hair Spray

In the realm of haircare, finding a transformative solution for damaged, dry hair is crucial. Dive into the world of Care Vital Nutrition Protein Spray—a multi-faceted hair spray that shields and rejuvenates, bringing life to every strand.

Add Hydration to Your Daily Haircare Routine

Dry hair can often feel like an insurmountable challenge, but with the right ally, the battle becomes much more manageable. Enter Vital Nutrition Protein Spray, a versatile hair spray designed to be your go-to solution for dry hair. Let’s unravel the layers of this nourishing elixir and understand why it's a must-have in your haircare arsenal.

The Multifaceted Haircare of Vital Nutrition Protein Spray

A Shield Against the Elements: Before subjecting your hair to the rigors of chemical treatments, color applications, or thermal styling, it needs a shield. Protein Hair Spray steps in as a guardian, forming a protective layer that minimizes damage and ensures your dry hair emerges from these treatments resilient and revitalized.

Moisture Infusion for Dry Hair: Dealing with dry hair requires more than surface-level solutions. This hair spray is not just a mist; it's a deep infusion of moisture that penetrates each strand, addressing the root cause of dryness and leaving your dry hair hydrated, supple, and full of life.

Lustrous Shine Amplifier: Dullness is the bane of dry hair, but this hair spray doesn't just stop at hydration. It introduces a luminous shine that reflects the health and vibrancy of your locks. Discover the secret to glossy, radiant hair that captivates with every movement.

Maneuverable Tresses Without Tangles: Damaged and dry hair often leads to frustrating tangles and breakage during combing. Vital Nutrition Protein Hair Spray revolutionizes your haircare experience, making your hair easy to comb through without the risk of breakage. Embrace a new level of manageability.

Conclusion: Embrace the Radiance of Revitalized Hair

As we conclude our exploration of Care Vital Nutrition Protein Spray, it's evident that this hair spray transcends conventional expectations. It's more than a just haircare product; it's a holistic haircare experience that nurtures, protects, and beautifies your hair. Make it a staple in your haircare routine, and watch as your hair transforms into a canvas of strength, shine, and resilience. So, mist it on, embrace the transformation, and let your hair radiate vitality every day.

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CARE Vital Nutrition Protein Spray
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